6 Habits Of Insanely Successful Women

Written by Mariana ~ Category: Lifestyle & Travel ~ Read Time: 5 min.

Habits are a great way to shape our lives since they give us a sense of structure and routine and, therefore, the stability we crave in an otherwise chaotic world. They create a frame within which we operate, reducing decision fatigue and making us more efficient in our day-to-day obligations. Habits can revolve around our personal lives as well as our professional ones. That means habits provide the discipline needed for long-term success, whether it's fitness, career progress, or personal growth.

Also, given that it can be challenging to keep ourselves motivated every day to follow a balanced diet, workout, or be productive at work, etc., when habits eventually become part of our natural routine, it gets easier to accomplish them without thinking.

Indeed, forming habits can help people who want to succeed reach the next level. Therefore, successful women who succeed in whatever they desire in life believe in the power of habits and define their own success.

They Set Clear Goals

For successful women, setting clear goals isn't just a matter of jotting down a few ambitions and resolutions on a piece of paper—it’s more than that; it’s a conscious and thorough process that shapes their lives. Successful women understand that without a clear destination in mind, they may end up drifting aimlessly and never truly reaching their full potential.

Each goal they set is another step towards achieving their goals and moving forward. However, these goals aren't just vague wishes or desires—they are actionable objectives that can be broken down into manageable steps. Whether landing a dream job, starting a business, or mastering a new skill, successful women know exactly what they want to achieve and precisely how they plan to get there.

Another important step in setting clear and actionable goals is accountability. For this reason, successful women don't keep their goals for themselves; they share them with others, looking for support and encouragement from friends, family, and mentors along the way. By vocalizing their aspirations, they solidify their commitment and invite others to join them on their quest for success.

They Don’t Stop Self-Improvement

Successful women recognize that succeeding, personally or professionally, is not a designated point on the horizon, but, on the contrary, it is a dynamic and constantly evolving process. Success is also not a sprint but a marathon.

Therefore, growth is a way of life incorporated into their modus operandi. They approach each day with a willingness to learn and to become the best versions of themselves. In order to do so, they soak up information from every source available—whether they read books or listen to podcasts while they are commuting to work, attend workshops, or find themselves mentors—constantly expanding their horizons and challenging their perspectives.

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However, self-improvement isn't just about acquiring new skills or knowledge—it's also about exploring and improving the talents one already possesses. Successful women understand that excellence is achieved through deliberate practice and unwavering dedication, whether this concerns mastering a new language, developing leadership skills, or sharpening their emotional intelligence.

They Embrace Fear

For successful women, fear is not a barrier—it's a signpost pointing toward growth and opportunity. They understand that the path to success is seldom smooth or easy, but it's paved with the stepping stones of fear.

Therefore, successful women embrace fear with open arms instead of feeling paralyzed by it. They acknowledge that fear is a natural response to stepping outside their comfort zones, a signal that they're on the verge of something remarkable. Stepping out of their comfort zones is a way of life, as well as taking risks, trying new things, and pushing past their perceived limitations. Whether speaking up in a meeting, pursuing a new career path, or starting their own business, they confront their fears head-on, refusing to let them hold them back from their dreams.

Embracing fear is also about facing the internal demons that threaten to undermine their confidence and self-belief. These women confront their fears of failure, rejection, and inadequacy with courage and resilience, recognizing that setbacks are not signs of weakness but opportunities for growth.

They Have a Strong Support Network

Successful women are surrounded by strong, supportive people who can help them reach their full potential. These people can be friends, family, or even colleagues who can offer them practical support and emotional encouragement. They are always there to help them overcome problems or celebrate successes and wins.

Building a strong support network isn't just about surrounding oneself with people who offer support—it's also about cultivating meaningful relationships built on trust, respect, and reciprocity. Successful women invest time and effort in nurturing these relationships, offering support and encouragement in return and creating a symbiotic ecosystem of growth and empowerment.

In the end, successful women understand that no achievement is solitary. Behind every success story is a tribe of individuals who have lent their support, their wisdom, and their love along the way. And it is this strong support network that propels these women forward, empowering them to reach greater heights than they ever thought possible.

They Practice Gratitude

When we are moving so fast every day, trying to balance our lives, it suddenly becomes too easy to overlook the abundance of blessings surrounding us. Yet, successful women understand that gratitude is extremely important for a successful mindset.

At its core, gratitude is a practice; a daily ritual of acknowledging and appreciating the blessings, big and small, that enrich our lives. Successful women shift their focus from what they lack to what they have, aka from scarcity to abundance.

Successful women understand that true wealth is not measured by material possessions but by the richness of our experiences and the depth of our connections and they open themselves to new opportunities and perspectives.

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They also know that gratitude can shift our mindset from one of scarcity to one of abundance. Instead of thinking about what we lack, we focus on what we have, cultivating a sense of contentment and fulfillment that transcends material wealth. This abundance mindset attracts more blessings into our lives and empowers us to make the most of the opportunities that come our way.

They Balance Work and Life

Balancing work and life can be a challenge, but for successful women, this balance is not something they negotiate; it’s important for their overall well-being.

It is indisputable that the rhythm of our lives is overwhelming, and we can become consumed by work, sacrificing our personal lives and free time. However, successful women understand that success is not measured by how many hours they spend in front of their laptops or how busy their calendar is during the day; success is also the quality of our relationships, experiences, and richness of life.

A balanced life is a matter of prioritization. In order to achieve this balance, successful women set clear boundaries between work and personal time and ensure they keep them firm. This means that they take some time off when they need it in order to relax and rejuvenate, and they also give as much time as their work needs to achieve their professional goals and be productive.

Moreover, successful women recognize the importance of self-care, aka the practice of nurturing and nourishing themselves, body, mind, and soul. For this reason, they prioritize activities that replenish their energy reserves and offer a sense of balance and harmony in their lives.

It took 2 coffees to write this article.

About the author


Mariana is our amazing psychologist. She is generally shy, but she has the answers to all questions. She is calm but can be pretty sarcastic if she wants to! She is working with women who are struggling in their jobs. She also loves knitting. She helps our Working Gal Team with her valuable insights and tips for a balanced work life.

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