How To Balance Healthy Eating And Work

Written by Tonia ~ Category: Beauty & Wellness ~ Read Time: 4 min.

We have often talked about how important it is to balance working and keeping healthy habits. However, saying something from taking action and making it happen is slightly different. The problem with keeping a balanced diet while at work is mainly to support it because we all know how easy it is just to grab something with your latte and stick to it until you get home in the evening.

Although many people think that diet and work are incompatible, the reality is very different. Can you maintain a balanced diet and healthy eating habits while working?

The answer is YES!

Whether you are trying to maintain your diet or thinking about improving your eating habits and don't know how to support them during working hours, keep reading. Also, if you are right about that period when you work excessive hours and the only thing you wish for when you get back home is a big burger, keep reading as well.

How can you do it? Read our tips to help you monitor your diet at work!

1. Organization: 50% of Success!

The key word in order to succeed is organization. It is the first and most important step when we want to modify or maintain our eating habits, change our lifestyle, or achieve a big change in general. Proper organization will help you overcome any obstacle or difficulty that comes up along the way on a daily basis, such as having ready, cooked food when you get home or always having healthy and nutritious snacks to take with you to work.

2. Eat Breakfast Every Day!

Yes, sometimes even waking up can be a challenge, but eating a balanced breakfast will help you control hunger pangs throughout the day but will also help you stay focused and productive at work. In addition, it will help you to control hunger throughout the day and at following meals. Make sure to include a source of protein (milk, yoghurt, cheese, egg), a source of carbohydrates (wholemeal bread, oats) and a source of good fats (nuts, avocado, vegetables) to help you avoid intense cravings or excessive hunger until the next meal.

3. Choose Healthy Snacks!

Snacking is great and is the biggest jeopardy of your diet. To avoid staying hungry until your main meal, take easy to make and healthy snacks from home that don't require too much preparation such as fruit, cereal bars, nuts, whole grain breadsticks, and yogurt. They'll give you the energy you need, you'll feel satiated and you won't be too hungry when it's time for your main course.


4. Take your Tupperware With you!

Make sure you prepare your lunch Tupperware the night before, and make sure it contains a salad! If you're not one who cooks bulk, you can quickly and easily prepare a veggie omelet, sandwich, or tortilla with eggs in the morning and take it with you! The salad is what you shouldn't forget as apart from the vitamins it will give you, you will also get a good amount of fiber that will make you feel full much faster and as a result you will also consume less food and not get hungry again!

5. Embrace Your Inner Chef!

Find a day or two during the week when you're more relaxed and cook the rest of the week's meals. Meal prep is the best way to achieve the optimum level of organization and really change your diet. If you cook more food, you can divide portions into Tupperware and put them in the freezer! That way, at any time, you'll have homemade food ready to go, which you can take to work with you - you'll avoid junk/out-of-town food - and when you get home, you'll have it ready and won't be tempted to order in!

6. Don’t Forget Your Water!

Proper hydration is essential for the body's proper functioning. Water, in addition to hydration, will help you feel that "bloat," resulting in feeling more full. In addition, when you don't consume adequate amounts of fluids, you may feel hungry when you are actually thirsty! So don't forget to drink water, tea, and herbal drinks every day to meet the recommended daily fluid intake (8-10 glasses, according to the WHO Recommendations). On the plus side, you can find some amazing water bottles that can motivate you into drinking more water!

7. Take a Lunch Break Away From Screens!

It's very important to take the time needed at lunch, eat mindfully, and enjoy every bite of it. Our brain takes about 20 minutes to signal satiety to the rest of the body and make you feel full. So, if you eat quickly and unconsciously in front of your laptop or mobile screen, you probably don't chew your food well, you can't understand how much and what you are eating, and as a result, while you may be full, you eat more. Grab your Tupperware, get away from your desk, sit comfortably in a nice spot, and consciously enjoy your meal.

After all, it’s not that difficult to balance your diet while at work, right?

It took 2 coffees to write this article.

About the author


If you could find one person combining physical strength and mental ability it would have her name. Tonia is also a teacher, but she has serious experience in all kinds of jobs. She can do whatever you ask her. She is also a big fan of remote work -and she is not afraid to admit it. This is why she loves writing about it.

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